Women and Hunting: More Women Give Hunting a Shot
Women and Hunting: For truly free-range meat, some say they prefer the woods to the grocery store. In recent years, American women are spending more time in tree stands and deer blinds—and putting fresh meat on the table. Although men still account for the majority of the 13.7 million U.S. hunters, the number of women actively hunting is on the rise. The total number of women hunters surged by 25 percent between 2006 and 2011, after holding steady for a decade, according to Census Bureau statistics. At last count, 11 percent of all U.S. hunters were women, compared to 9 percent in 2006. Many state departments of natural resources have begun hosting Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) workshops that offer instruction in skills such as archery, shotgun, and rifle shooting. "There is definitely a high demand. We have over 3,000 women on our mailing list, and workshops fill up quickly," says… Read More
Hunting in Missouri: 3 Animals To Hunt in the Winter
Hunting in Missouri: If the winter blues have gotten you down, perhaps it’s time to schedule a hunting outing in Missouri. Hunters can take advantage of the end of turkey hunting season during the winter, as well as hunt several other small game from December until either January, February, or early March. Here are three animals to hunt during the winter in Missouri. Turkey - For hunters that either enjoyed the spring turkey season or did not get the chance to snag any Toms in the spring, a second turkey hunting season starts every fall in Missouri. Archers need to be sure that they take advantage of the late September fall open dates that last until mid-November and then open again during Thanksgiving week through the rest of fall. Firearm hunters can start getting their turkey hunting on throughout the month of October. In 2011, American Hunter named Missouri one of… Read More
Missouri Deer and Turkey Hunting Dates Set For 2017-2018
The fall seasons have just ended, and Missouri hunters now can mark their calendars for next year. The Missouri Conservation Commission approved recommendations by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) for 2017-2018 turkey-hunting and deer-hunting season dates. 2017 SPRING TURKEY HUNTING DATES • Youth Portion: April 8 and 9 • Regular Turkey Season: April 17 through May 7 2017-2018 FALL TURKEY HUNTING DATES • Archery Season: Sept. 15 through Nov. 10 and Nov. 22 through Jan. 15, 2018. • Firearms Turkey Season: Oct. 1 - 31 2017 – 2018 FALL DEER HUNTING DATES • Archery Deer: Sept. 15 through Nov. 10 and Nov. 22 through Jan. 15, 2018 • Firearms Deer Early Youth Portion: Oct. 28 and 29 • Firearms Deer November Portion: Nov. 11 - 21 • Firearms Deer Late Youth Portion: Nov. 24 - 26 • Firearms Deer Antlerless Portion: Dec. 1 - 3 • Firearms Deer Alternative Methods Portion: Dec. 23 through Jan. 2, 2018 Details on hunting regulations, harvest limits, allowed… Read More
Winter Hunting: Safety and More
Winter brings the holidays, the new year, and – for many – hunting. It may be too late to get in that big game hunting, but in most areas there’s plenty of small game hunting to be had. In Colorado, for example you can hunt pheasant, quail, rabbits, squirrels, prairie dogs, bobcats, coyotes, mink, badger, raccoon, pine marten, gray fox, opossum and muskrat in December and January. From mid-December to mid-January, you can hunt mourning doves in Tennessee. You can hunt fox, raccoon, skunk, weasel, mink, muskrat, beaver and river otter from the end of December through the end of January in Ohio. So, regardless of season, there’s no shortage of game to hunt no matter what state. Safety Safety boils down to the 3 W’s: Weapon, Weather and Where/When/Who Weapon All of the usual hunting safety tips apply during the winter, with some added protection necessary. As always, follow THINK: T:… Read More
How to Find Deer in Bad Winter Weather
Where and how to find bucks in the mercurial weather of the late season Extreme Success It’s no secret that food sources can be hotspots right after a snowstorm. But dealing with the varied weather extremes Mother Nature can dish out during the tag end of the season can be a lot more complicated. If you’ve booked time off or only have weekends free, you can’t wait for perfect weather. You need to adapt both where you hunt and your strategy to whitetails’ weather-influenced movement patterns. Here’s a guide to hunting tactics for eight extreme late-season weather conditions. 1. Heavy Snowfall/Blizzard You have three options here: Hunt before it hits. Deer know when storms are coming, and they feed heavily six to 18 hours before heavy snows set in. Leave work early, take a day off, call in sick—do whatever it takes to be on a current food source before… Read More
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